PetAlive EaseSure S

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PetAlive EaseSure S


PetAlive EaseSure S is a 100% natural blend of herbal ingredients specially selected to treat and prevent seizures in pets. It may be used to relieve acute seizures of multiple causes immediately and may also be used as a preventative for the treatment of chronic seizure disorders.

EaseSure S Drops may be used instead of or along with your pet’s conventional medication for seizures. However, it is not recommended that you discontinue your pet’s prescription medication without consulting your veterinarian. Also consult your veterinarian first when deciding to use EaseSure simultaneously with prescription medication so that your pet’s progress may be adequately monitored.

What is a seizure?

Although seizures are often thought of as dramatic events, there are a number of different types of seizures, some of which may appear to be quite subtle.

A generalized seizure (Also known as grand mal seizure, fit or convulsion) generally causes an acute decrease in state of consciousness, repeated movements of the body, excessive salivation, vomiting and often a loss of bladder and bowel control. This event may last from 30 seconds to a few minutes. It is generally followed by a period of drowsiness, difficulty walking or seeing as well as changes in behavior which can last around 24 hours. This is known as the “Post-Ictal” period.

The other main type of seizure is a focal motor seizure which is a much less dramatic occurrence. A focal motor seizure will cause just a repeated twitching movement in either the face or limbs and usually only lasts a few seconds. These type of seizures may often go unnoticed especially if they involve fairly innocuous movements like swallowing.

What causes seizures in pets?

Seizures occur because of a change in the electrical activity of the brain. This can be caused by a variety of things including diseases of the nervous system and the brain itself such as epilepsy. Seizures may also be the result of a blow to the head, chemicals, poisons, fever and even nutrient deficiencies such as calcium deficiency in nursing mothers.

What is the conventional treatment for seizures?

Treatment for seizures is directed at the underlying cause or disease in cases where this is known. Anti-epileptic drugs such as Phenobarbital are commonly used to prevent seizures which are severe or occur frequently.

When should I consult my pet’s veterinarian?

It is important to seek medical care for your pet if he/she has more than one seizure per month, has changed behavior in between the seizures (Excluding the “Post-ictal” period directly after the seizure) or becomes generally lethargic, has difficulty in walking or refuses food.

100% Natural Ingredients

  • Passiflora incarnata (Passionflower) is an herb used widely for anxiety and stress and is also useful for calming an overstimulated nervous system. In this way Passiflora is effective in both prevention and treatment of seizures, especially when stress is a precipitating factor, as is often the case with seizures.
  • Scuttelaria laterifolia (Skullcap) is a well-known calmative and antispasmodic herb and will help to reduce over-stimulation that can lead to seizure occurrence. It is also helpful in lowering fever and regulating blood pressure, two further contributing precipitants of seizures in pets.

Contains no gluten, artificial flavors, colors or preservatives.

One 2 fl oz bottle of EaseSure will last for 15 – 60 days, depending on the size and needs of your pet.

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2 oz

PetAlive EaseSure S

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